Institute for a Sustainable Earth

Linton Wells II, PhD

Linton Wells II, PhD

Executive Advisor, Community Resilience Lab

Faculty Directory

Research Focus

My research focuses on links between policy, technology, socio-economics and decision-making, especially in community resilience, disaster mitigation and response, and cybersecurity. This builds on extensive civilian government leadership experience in national security affairs, including service as acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration and Department of Defense Chief Information Officer. Other research relates to Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence (C3I) and civil-military relations. It also draws on experience leading the Center for Technology and National Security Policy, a research center at the U.S. National Defense University, where I taught courses on complex decision- making and emphasized multi-disciplinary approaches such as the STAR-TIDES network on sharing sustainable solutions. I am Executive Advisor to Mason’s Community Resilience Laboratory and chair the Advisory Group of the C4I and Cyber Center in VSE. The Lab has been working with the People-Centered Internet on ways to output humanity at the center of the Internet.

Current Projects

■ Standing up the Center for Resilient and Sustainable Communities (C-RASC), based on the Community Resilience Lab.

■ Understanding national security implications of the 4th Industrial Revolution, especially as it relates to C4I and Cyber .

■ Improving cyber resilience in Japan, and information sharing between the U.S. and Japan.

■ Countering misinformation in cognitive-emotional conflict.

Select Publications

■ Kadtke, J. and Wells, L. (2014). Policy challenges of accelerating technological change: security policy and strategy implications of parallel scientific revolutions. National Defense University, Center for Technology and National Security Policy, Defense and Technology Paper 106.

■ Wells, L. (2019). “National Security Implications of the 4th Industrial Revolution,” chapter in Itamara V. Lochard, ed., Senior Leadership Roundtable on Military and Defence Aspects of Border Security in South East Europe, IOS Press.



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