Title: cAssistant Professor, Leadership Studies, School of Integrative Studies
Email: gmccarro@gmu.edu
Phone: 703-993-1436
Website: https://integrative.gmu.edu/people/gmccarro
Groups: Faculty
Research Focus
I teach courses on leadership theory, ethics, and leadership, social change, and leadership and organizational problem-solving. As a former student/academic affairs professional and as a current leadership studies faculty member, I have over 20+ years of experience focused on holistic student development, increasing students’ access to higher education, student mattering, community-building, and creating learning climates that transcend time and place.
Current Projects
■ Examination of pre-college factors that contribute to leader emergence and leader-self efficacy in college.
■ Exploration of the lived experiences of first-generation college students who also identify as immigrants or children of immigrants.
■ Unpacking how to bolster a sense of belonging and mattering for students in virtual leadership education courses.
Select Publications
■ Owen, J. E., Krell, M., & McCarron, G. P. (2019). An exploration of civic identity in first-generation college students: From charity to solidarity. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 1-15.
■ McCarron, G. P., et al. (In press | Fall 2020). Pedagogy and leadership capacity development. In T. Andenoro & K. Skendall (Eds.), Creating a national leadership education research agenda 2020-2024: Providing strategic direction for the field of leadership education. University of Phoenix.