17 Rooms-U Mason
17 Rooms is an event concept developed by The Rockefeller Foundation and the Brookings Institution to help organizations identify partnerships and practical steps to accelerate progress on the 17 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The first global flagship event took place in 2018 in New York, NY. Since then, universities and other institutions have worked on similar efforts and adapted the 17 Rooms design, developing 17 Rooms-U.
About Mason’s 17 Rooms
The Institute for a Sustainable Earth (ISE) and the Business for a Better World Center are coordinating Mason’s 17 Rooms-U initiative, a series of deep dive discussions into the SDGs. 17 Rooms is a proven catalyst for engaging, inspiring, and shaping an organization’s mission around the goal. Participants with diverse expertise and perspectives are invited to convene in 17 small groups – one group per SDG – and work together to identify actions their organization can take within 12-18 months to make progress toward their goal.
The intent of ISE’s 17 Rooms-U is to obtain a set of coordinated actions across SDGs and catalyze action!
Who is invited?
Participants in each room include students, staff, faculty and stakeholders, all coming together for a series of discussions guided by the Moderator Team.
We are creating a community of people at Mason who are knowledgeable and excited about advancing the SDGs and identify a few ideas for advancing each goal, and are ready to spring into action. Bring your passion, ideas, narratives, initiatives! Everyone has the opportunity to share.
To indicate your interest in 17 Rooms-Mason, please fill out this form.
The process of 17 Rooms-Mason kicked off in Spring 2021 with 2-3 pre-summit convenings in the summer leading to Mason’s 17 Rooms-U Summit that was held on October 1, 2021. Insights will be synthesized in a report that serves as a vehicle for combining, communicating, and advancing next steps to SDG action that emerge from the 17 Rooms process at Mason! We will work together to implement the actions that were identified. If you would like to view the plenary session of the Summit, check out the recording.
We kicked off in March 2021 and had our Summit on October 1!
Get into the action with us! Do you want to stay informed? Fill out the Interest Form – Make sure to pick a room.
Contact Judit Ungvari at [email protected] – always happy to answer your questions.