Institute for a Sustainable Earth

Joris van der Ham, PhD

Title: Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Policy

Phone: 703-993-5863

Groups: Faculty

Research Focus

I have a specific interest in community ecology of insects. I study the relationship between the environment and community structure at various spatial and temporal scales. My students and I investigate variation in succession patterns, community compositions, etc. of carrion communities and native bee communities, and how these patterns are affected by environmental factors.

Current Projects

■ Ecology meets Forensic Entomology: how does carcass size influence carrion community dynamics?

■ Do flowering bee lawns affect bee community composition?

■ Changes in native bee community composition on agricultural and urban development scale

Select Publications

van der Ham, J. L. (2016). Permutation tests of hierarchical cluster analyses of carrion communities and their potential use in forensic entomology. Journal of Medical Entomology, 53(5), 1238-1241.