Institute for a Sustainable Earth

Solve Climate by 2030: Worldwide Teach-In on Climate and Justice

Solve Climate by 2030: Worldwide Teach-In on Climate and Justice

March 30, 2022 | 4 – 7pm EDT | ONLINE


George Mason University’s Worldwide Teach-In on Climate and Justice addresses important topics pertinent to climate change and environmental justice. The student-moderated discussions are interactive, solutions-oriented, and feature Mason climate experts.

Event Schedule (all times EDT)

1.  Climate Action: Where We are Now and a Hopeful Future
Dr. David Hart, Professor of Public Policy, Schar School of Public Policy and Government, and Director of the Center for Clean Energy Innovation
Dr. John Qu, Professor, Geography and Geoinformation Science Department, College of Science, and Institute for a Sustainable Earth Faculty Fellow
Dr. Jagadish Shukla, University Professor, Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences Department, College of Science, and Managing Director of the Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)

Participant-moderator: Brad Gay, PhD student, Earth Systems and Geoinformation Science, College of Science

2.  Environmental and Climate Justice: Practical Knowledge for Action
Dr. Cher Chen, Associate Professor, School of Integrative Studies, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Institute for a Sustainable Earth Faculty Fellow
Dr. Jennifer Sklarew, Assistant Professor, Environmental Science and Policy, College of Science
Dr. Levi Van Sant, Assistant Professor, School of Integrative Studies, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Participant-moderator: Dasha Maslyukova, Undergraduate student, Environmental and Sustainability Studies, College of Science and College of Humanities and Social Sciences

3.  Say This, Not That: Develop Your Communications Skills for Action
Eryn Campbell,
PhD student and Presidential Scholar, Department of Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Research Assistant, Center for Climate Change Communication
Beverly Harp,
Manager of Digital Communication and Research, Climate and Health Program, Center for Climate Change Communication
Margaret Orr, Graduate Lecturer and PhD student, Department of Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Participant-moderator: Lia Zakiyyah, PhD student and Presidential Fellow, Department of Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Climate Change Communication

4.  Act Now! Opportunities for Student Action and Engagement
Dylan Scarton, President, Graduate and Professional Student Association
Jack Lee, President, Green Patriots
Jordan Dockery, President, Entrepreneurs for Future of Radiant Tomorrow at Mason
Michael Riggi, President, Hypernova Solar
Richard Lopez-Perez, President, Native American and Indigenous Alliance
Saahil Iyer, President, Roosevelt at Mason
Elizabeth Fortson, Treasurer, Student Environmental Justice Alliance
Sebastian Silvestro, Undersecretary for Sustainability, Student Government

Participant-moderator: Amelia Fuller, President, Student Environmental Justice Alliance

The Solve Climate by 2030: Teach-In on Climate and Justice is organized by George Mason University’s Center for Climate Change Communication, Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, Environmental Science and Technology Center, Institute for a Sustainable Earth, Mason Sustainability Council, Office of Sustainability, and GMU-TV.



Make Climate a Class
Pledge here to Make Climate a Class! We encourage ALL climate-concerned professors and teachers in Virginia to participate in Solve Climate by 2030’s #MakeClimateaClass campaign by assigning this webinar to their students and then designating an hour to discuss the relationship between climate change, climate solutions, and the subject matter of their course. All webinars will be recorded and made available for later viewing. And Solve Climate by 2030 has provided teaching guides and other resources for use across a variety of subjects – not just environmental science and policy.

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