Institute for a Sustainable Earth

A Living Vision for the Amazon: Valuing a Most Precious Asset


Join world-renowned thinkers as we explore science-based strategies for strengthening Amazonia’s resilience in the midst of accelerating environmental crises. Participants will share insights and experiences from the Science Panel for the Amazon, which in 2021 published a first-of-its-kind scientific assessment of the state of the Amazon, current trends, and recommendations for the long-term well-being of the ecosystem and its people. If implemented, the Panel’s recommendations will promote conservation as well as sustainable development of the region, with a vision of a standing forest, flowing rivers bioeconomy based on local and Indigenous knowledge, technology, and innovation.

This webinar is sponsored by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, the Institute for a Sustainable Earth at George Mason University, and the Wilson Center, and will feature special participation from Carlos Nobre (University of São Paulo), Beka Munduruku (Brazilian Indigenous Leader), Luciana Villa Nova Silva (Natura, Inc.), Jeffrey Sachs (Columbia University), and panel moderator Jeremy Campbell (George Mason’s Institute for a Sustainable Earth).

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