Title: Associate Professor, Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation
Email: adeluyck@gmu.edu
Phone: 540-635-0463
Website: https://smconservation.gmu.edu/people/anneke-deluycker/
Groups: Faculty
Research Focus
I am a biological anthropologist specializing in the ecology, behavior, and conservation of primates. I look to understand how ecological conditions influence behavioral patterns as well as how organisms adapt to variable environmental conditions, particularly those that are restricted in their ecological requirements. This can have important implications in the face of changing environments and habitats. My research interests also extend to the ecology of rare species and populations in fragmented habitats. I conducted the first long-term field study on the critically endangered Andean titi monkey (Plecturocebus oenanthe) in Peru and continue to promote awareness and conservation initiatives in the region. I am passionate about developing local and community-based initiatives to enhance conservation methodology. I have extensive experience in evidence-based teaching focused on active learning as well as development of overseas field programs. I am actively engaged in opportunities working in program design and management, field research, conservation assessment, local community engagement, curricular and partnership development, education initiatives, and outreach.
Current Projects
■ Overseas program development to increase student global competency.
■ Acoustic monitoring training and integration of new technologies into curriculum.
■ Evaluation and assessment of conservation-related programmatic content.
■ Examination of diet and feeding ecology of the Andean titi monkey.
Select Publications
■ McNeil, J., et al. (2018). Using environmental DNA to connect lab science with field practice. The American Biology Teacher, 80(4), 285-289.
■ Chapman, C., et al. (2014). Safeguarding biodiversity: what is perceived as working according to the conservation community. Oryx, 50(2), 302-307.
■ DeLuycker, A. M. (2014). Observations of a daytime birthing event in wild titi monkeys (Callicebus oenanthe): implications of the male parental role. Primates, 55, 59-67.
■ DeLuycker, A. M. (2012). Insect prey foraging strategies in Callicebus oenanthe in northern Peru. American Journal of Primatology, 74(5), 450-461.