Institute for a Sustainable Earth

Scott Glaberman

Title: Assistant Professor, Ecotoxicology, Molecular and Evolutionary Biology, Environmental Stress Responses


Groups: Faculty

Research Focus
My research aims to predict how species respond to multiple environmental stressors, including pollution and climate change. We work on species responses across multiple scales, from genomics to physiology to populations. All of the research in my lab is also aimed at delivering better tools to environmental decision makers.
Current Projects
  • Mapping risk of environmental contaminants, including pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and forever chemicals, on human and wildlife health
  • Combining new approaches in toxicology and machine learning to rapidly screen chemical risk to animals
  • Unraveling the basis from increased longevity and low cancer rates in reptiles
  • Harnessing museum specimens to understand how past population crashed can be used to improve sea turtle conservation
  • Predicting the impact of climate change on toxic algal blooms