Institute for a Sustainable Earth

Mohan Venigalla, PhD

Title: Professor, Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering

Phone: 703-307-4994


Groups: Faculty

Research Focus

I specialize in transportation systems analysis and planning with research emphases on sustainable transportation and macroscopic traffic flow. My early career (12 years) was primarily in engineering consulting and research. I have been engaged in teaching and academic research since 2000. My expertise includes modeling of transportation systems encompassing travel behavior analysis, travel demand modeling, traffic simulation, network analysis, and intelligent transportation systems. My current and prior works covered a range of topics on transportation planning, air quality, transit-oriented developments, shared mobility, and urban freight planning. My research on air quality received national acclaim and was recognized by the National Academy of Sciences with the prestigious Pyke Johnson Award. I was elected a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers and am a registered professional engineer in the Commonwealth of Virginia. I served (2019-2020) as a Faculty Fellow at the Office of the Secretary of Transportation (OST) in the US Department of Transportation (USDOT).

Select Publications

■ Venigalla, M., et. al. (2020). Impact of bikesharing pricing policies on usage and revenue: An evaluation through curation of large datasets from revenue transactions and trips. Journal of Big Data Analytics in Transportation.

■ Venigalla, M., et al. (2018). A methodology to derive land use specific auto-trip emission footprints from household travel survey data. Urban, Planning and Transport Research 6(1), 111-128.

■ Shaughnessy, W. J., et al. (2015). Health effects of ambient levels of respirable particulate matter (PM) on healthy, young-adult population. Atmospheric Environment 123, 102–111.