Title: Affiliate Professor and Distinguished Senior Fellow, Schar School of Policy and Government
Email: fmanhei1@gmu.edu
Phone: 571-752-6053
Website: https://schar.gmu.edu/
Groups: Faculty
Research Focus
I joined the Schar School of Policy and Government in 2003 after a career as an ocean and earth scientist in the U.S. Geological Survey. I also served as Chairman of the Department of Marine Science, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg. My prime interest at George Mason University is environmental science and regulatory policy. Subsidiary interests include federal science agency and environmental law history, comparison of U.S. and European policies, and regulatory barriers to development of renewable energy in the U.S. Other interests are in African American educational history.
Current Projects
■ Book proposal to Palgrave-MacMillan Publishers: Fourteen Weaknesses in U.S. Society That the Donald Trump Presidency Reflects: Donald Trump exploited weaknesses in society that have arisen since the 1960 to rise to the presidency. The weaknesses include a sensation-addicted media that gave Trump $2 billion free publicity, lowered levels of public literacy, extreme political polarization, and disproportional deindustrialization of the nation.
Select Publications
■ Manheim, F. T. (2020). Transformation of congressional lawmaking by the Clean Air Act amendments of 1970 and its effects. C. Boyden Gray Center for the Study of the Administrative State Research Paper.
■ Manheim, F. T. (2014). A new classification of U.S. environmental laws. Presentation at Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference.
■ Manheim, F. T. (2009). The Conflict Over Environmental Regulation in the United States: Origins, Outcomes, and Comparisons with the EU. Boston, MA: Springer Publishers.