A. Alonso Aguirre, DVM, PhD
Professor and Department Chair, Environmental Science and Policy
Changwoo Ahn, PhD
Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Policy
JK Aier, PhD
Area Chair and Associate Professor, Accounting
Karen Akerlof, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Policy
Massimiliano Albanese, PhD
Associate Professor, Information Sciences and Technology
Susan H. Allen, PhD
Henry Hart Rice Chair of Conflict Analysis and Resolution
Jennifer Atkinson, PhD
Professor, English/MFA and BFA Programs in Creative Writing (Poetry)
Pramita Bagchi, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics
Brenda Bannan, PhD
Associate Professor, Division of Learning Technologies
Ancha Baranova, PhD
Professor, Systems Biology
Ioannis Bellos, PhD
Assistant Professor, Information Systems and Operations Management
Estela Blaisten-Barojas, PhD
Professor, Department of Computational and Data Sciences
Michael Bloom, PhD
Associate Professor, Global and Community Health
Alexander Brodsky, PhD
Professor, Computer Science
Michael S Brody
Natalie Burls, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences
Benjamin Cash, PhD
Research Associate Professor, Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences
Ylenia Chiari, PhD
Assistant Professor, Biology
Helen B. Chin, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Global and Community Health
Stephen E. Christophe, PhD
Professor of Finance, School of Business
Claudio Cioffi-Revilla, PhD, DPolSc
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
Jamie L. Clark, PhD
Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
Christopher E. Clarke, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Communication
Carol Cleaveland, PhD
Associate Professor, Social Work
John Cook, PhD
Assistant Research Professor, Center for Climate Change Communication
Lorelei Crerar, PhD
Term Associate Professor, Department of Biology
Raymond Curts, PhD
Adjunct Professor, Information System and Technology
Rick Davis, DFA
Dean, College of Visual and Performing Arts
Anneke DeLuycker, PhD
Associate Professor, Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation
Paul Dirmeyer, PhD
Professor, Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences
Pei Dong, PhD
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Isidore Dorpenyo, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of English
Theodore Dumas, PhD
Associate Professor, Psychology
Leslie Dwyer, PhD
Associate Professor, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution
Anthony Falsetti, PhD
Associate Professor, Forensic Science Program
Amy E. Fowler, PhD
Assistant Professor, Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center
Elizabeth Freeman, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Integrative Studies
Brett Froelich, PhD
Assistant Professor, College of Science
Kirin E. Furst, PhD
Assistant Professor, Civil, Environmental & Infrastructure Engineering
Harold Geller, DA
Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Michael Gilmore, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Integrative Studies
Scott Glaberman
Assistant Professor, Ecotoxicology, Molecular and Evolutionary Biology, Environmental Stress Responses
Jack Goldstone, PhD
Eminent Scholar and Hazel Professor, Schar School of Policy and Government
Brad N. Greenwood, PhD
Associate Professor, ISOM-SBUS
Brian M. Griffiths, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Integrative Studies
Gerald Hanweck, PhD
Professor of Finance, School of Business
David Hart, PhD
Professor and Director, Center for Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy
Denise A. Hines, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Social Work
Kimberly Hoffman, MS
Lead, Science and Technology Team and Mercer Library, University Libraries
Paul Houser, PhD
Professor, Department of Geography and Geoinformation Sciences
Susan Howard, PhD
Term Faculty, Health, Medicine & Society, School of Integrative Studies
Edward Huang, PhD
Associate Professor, Systems Engineering and Operations Research Department
Amy C. Hutchison, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Education
Emily S. Ihara, PhD
Associate Professor, Social Work
Kathryn H. Jacobsen, PhD
Professor, Global & Community Health
Ran Ji, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Systems Engineering, Systems Engineering and Operations Research
Wenying Ji, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering
Noel D. Johnson, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Economics
R. Christian Jones, PhD
Professor and Director, Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center
Amb. Richard Kauzlarich, MA
Co-Director, Center for Energy Science and Policy
Mills Kelly, PhD
Professor, History and Art History
Chris Kennedy, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Policy
Muhammad Salar Khan, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, Schar School of Policy and Government
Sojung Kim, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication
Jason Kinser, DSc
Chair, Department of Computational and Data Sciences
Richard Klimoski, PhD
Professor of Psychology and Management
Barry A. Klinger, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences
Gregory D. Koblentz, PhD
Associate Professor, Schar School of Policy and Government
Klaus-Peter Koepfli
Senior Research Scientist, Biology Department
Naoru Koizumi, PhD
Associate Professor and Director of Research
Karina V. Korostelina, PhD
Professor of Conflict Analysis and Resolution
John Kotcher, PhD
Research Assistant Professor, Center for Climate Change Communication
Jenna Krall, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Global and Community Health
Gary Kreps, PhD
University Professor, Department of Communication
Lester Kurtz, PhD
Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Kerri LaCharite, PhD
Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Food Studies
Sally A. Lahm, PhD
Research Associate Professor in the Department of Global and Community Health
Kathryn Laskey, PhD
Professor, Systems Engineering and Operations Research
Anne Lauer, MA, MS
Instructor, Business Foundations
Stephanie Lessard-Pilon, PhD
Associate Professor, Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation
Qiliang Li, PhD
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Haw Chuan (HC) Lim, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology
Robert H. Lipsky, PhD
Professor, Department of Neuroscience
Germaine Buck Louis, PhD
Dean and Professor, College of Health and Human Services
Cynthia Lum, PhD
Professor, Department of Criminology, Law and Society
David Luther, PhD
Term Associate Professor, Department of Biology
Akila-Ka R Ma’at
Viviana Maggioni, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering
Frank T. Manheim, PhD
Affiliate Professor and Distinguished Senior Fellow, Schar School of Policy and Government
Dorin Marcu, PhD
Associate Research Professor, Learning Agents Center
Patricia Maulden, PhD
Associate Professor, The Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution
Elise Miller-Hooks, PhD
Professor and Bill & Eleanor Hazel Chair, Infrastructure Engineering
Shima Mohebbi, PhD
Assistant Professor, Systems Engineering and Operations Research
Christopher Morris, PhD
Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
Manjusha Nair, PhD
Associate Professor, Sociology
James Olds, PhD
University Professor of Neuroscience and Public Policy, Schar School of Policy and Government
Graziella Pagliarulo McCarron, PhD
cAssistant Professor, Leadership Studies, School of Integrative Studies
Erin Peters-Burton, PhD
Donna R. and David E. Sterling Endowed Professor in Science Education
J. Mark Pullen, DSc
Professor, Computer Science
Kenneth Reinert, PhD
Professor, Public Policy
Cortney Hughes Rinker, PhD
Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
Kevin Rockmann, PhD
Professor of Management, Dean’s Scholar, School of Business
Dale S. Rothman, PhD
Term Associate Professor
Richard Rubenstein, JD
University Professor, Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution
Rashmi Sadana, PhD
Associate Professor of Anthropology, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Jennifer L Salerno, PhD
Assistant Professor, Environmental Microbiology, Marine Biology, Coral Reef Ecology
Pallab Sanyal, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Business
Kelly Schrum, PhD
Associate Professor, Higher Education Program
Padhu Seshaiyer, PhD
Professor, Mathematical Sciences
Louise Shelley, PhD
Omer L. and Nancy Hirst Endowed Chair and University Professor, Schar School of Policy and Government
Kimberly M Sheridan, EdD
Associate Professor
Lance Sherry, PhD
Associate Professor, System Engineering & Operations Research
Jagadish Shukla, PhD
University Professor, Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences
J. P. Singh, PhD
Professor, International Commerce and Policy
Dann Sklarew, PhD
Professor, Environmental Science and Policy
Jennifer F. Sklarew, PhD
Assistant Professor, Environmental Science and Policy
Sue Slocum, PhD
Associate Professor, Tourism and Events Management
Cynthia Smith, PhD
Associate Term Professor, Environmental Science and Policy
Sharon L. Spradling, MS
Academic Program Coordinator, Environmental & Sustainability Studies
David Straus, PhD
Professor of Climate Dynamics, Atmospheric, Oceanic & Earth Sciences
Michael Summers, PhD
Professor of Planetary Science and Astronomy, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Burak Tanyu, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering
Faye S. Taxman, PhD
University Professor, Center for Advancing Correctional Excellence
Daniel H. Temple, PhD
Associate Professor, Anthropology
Tonya E. Thornton, PhD
Assistant Professor and Director of Extramural Projects, Schar School of Policy and Government
Kuo Tian, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering
Hannah Torres, PhD
Assistant Director for Research Operations, Center for Resilient and Sustainable Communities
Mark D. Uhen, PhD
Associate Professor, Associate Chair, Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences
Gregory C. Unruh, PhD
Arison Chair in Values Leadership & Associate Professor
Diego Valderrama, PhD
Assistant Professor (Term), Department of Environmental Science and Policy
Joris van der Ham, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Policy
Petrus (Peter) J. van Oevelen, PhD
Director, International GEWEX Project Office
Levi Van Sant, PhD
Assistant Professor, School of Integrative Studies
Mohan Venigalla, PhD
Professor, Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering
Boris Veytsman, PhD
Affiliate Faculty, School of Systems Biology
Michael von Fricken, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Global and Community Health
Dongqing Wang
Assistant Professor, Department of Global and Community Health
David Weisburd, PhD
Distinguished Professor, Criminology, Law and Society
Linton Wells II, PhD
Executive Advisor, Community Resilience Lab
Andrew Wingfield, MFA
Associate Professor, School of Integrative Studiess
James C. Witte, PhD
Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
David Wong, PhD
Professor, Geography and Geoinformation Science
Jie Xu, PhD
Associate Professor with the Department of Systems Engineering & Operations Research
Lap Fai (Craig) Yu, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
Jie Zhang, PhD
Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Feitian Zhang, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Xiaoquan Zhao, PhD
Professor, Communication

Associate Professor, Schar School of Policy and Government
Faculty Directory
Research Focus
My research focuses on preventing and reducing threats to global health security posed by emerging technologies and weapons of mass destruction, particularly biological weapons.
Current Projects
- Synthetic Biology and Biosecurity
- Accountability for Chemical Weapons Use
- Cheminformatics as Tool for Strengthening Chemical Weapons Nonproliferation Regime
- Mapping the Global Proliferation of BSL-4 Labs
Phone: 703-993-1266
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://schar.gmu.edu/about/faculty-directory/gregory-koblentz