Institute for a Sustainable Earth

Students & 17 Rooms

What is 17 Rooms?

17 Rooms is an event concept developed by The Rockefeller Foundation and the Brookings Institution to help organizations identify partnerships and practical steps to accelerate progress on the 17 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The first global flagship event took place in 2018 in New York, NY. Since then, universities (including Mason!) and other institutions have worked on similar efforts and adapted the 17 Rooms design, developing 17 Rooms-U.

What will students get out of it?

  • Meet faculty and community members who can become mentors within your field of interest
  • Get real-world exposure to topics of sustainability and sustainable development
  • Participate in a program that can lead to future research and service opportunities
  • Become a student leader. Join the larger conversation around UN Sustainable Development Goals and make a positive impact on our community and beyond
  • Have an impact on the curriculum development process at Mason

How much time will this require?

  • Submit registration
  • Participate in three 1-hour conversations to develop an action plan between now and September to present at Mason’s 17 Rooms-U Summit
  • Participate in the Mason’s 17 Rooms-U Summit where all 17 groups convene to identify actions that members can take to further the progress towards the relevant sustainable development goals – the Summit will take place on October 1, 2021
  • Additional service, leadership, and involvement opportunities will arise from the Summit

How do I sign up?

Fill out the Participation Form – Make sure to pick a room.

What are the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals?

Click on the icons to explore each goal.

Want to learn more?

Check out more statistics and indicators and how they fit with the 17 goals.

Contact Judit Ungvari at – always happy to answer your questions.