Institute for a Sustainable Earth

Denise A. Hines, PhD

Title: Associate Professor, Department of Social Work

Phone: 703-993-2024


Groups: Faculty

Research Focus
My research focuses on the causes, consequences, and prevention of various forms of interpersonal violence, such as domestic violence, family violence, sexual assault, and stalking. I am especially interested in victims that are not typically recognized or served by our service systems, such as heterosexual men and sexual minorities. I research their relationship experiences, what happens when they seek help, and ways to improve our responses to these victims and their children. I am also interested in the intersection of interpersonal violence with other social issues, such as substance use, guns, and suicide. I co-directed a nationally-recognized college sexual assault prevention program and am looking to expand those efforts into other populations.

Current Projects
  • Suicidal and Help-Seeking Behaviors Among Male Victims of Intimate Partner Violence
  • Handbook of Men’s Victimisation in Intimate Relationships — edited book